Something About Me

After enduring twelve years of misery in elementary and high school, I thrived in my college environment and could explore what I really wanted to learn. My academic counselor thought I was a little one-sided: English and American literature, Shakespeare, Writing, Poetry, Speech, Oral Interpretation. Well, I was. I got the sciences out of the way as soon as possible.
I loved words: the look of them on the page, the sound of them in the ear, playing with them in the far recesses of my mind until I could put down on paper how they should just be.
Writing was the fun part; actually pounding out the final draft on my manual typewriter in the wee hours before the deadline was not. My proclivities are still the same, though the computer has saved me much anguish. Never mind that it has also added some.
After leaving Ohio for four years of college in Indiana, I then joined the organization Cru, working with students, which became my lifetime career along with my husband. We ended up spending the bulk of our lives—thirty-nine years—in England, Austria, Germany, and Hungary. I have come back full-circle to Ohio where we live in a 200-year-old house in what was Shawnee territory. We have five (wonderful) adult children and two (wonderful) in-law children, and five (also wonderful) grandchildren.
Early mornings in spring, summer, and fall, you’re likely to find me on my swing.